Category: Skype

Skype – the worldwide solution

TurboBridge is pleased to support direct Skype access at no additional cost. This means that from almost anywhere in the world you can easily participate in a TurboBridge conference, either as a host or participant by simply calling TurboBridge via Skype. Unlike other services, you do not need to have any Skype credits to call TurboBridge, your call is FREE.

It’s easy enough to reach the main TurboBridge conferencing system via Skype, you need only dial +99051000000481. I know it’s a long number, but it’s easy to cut and paste. Simply click CALL PHONES and paste this telephone number and hit the green CALL button and in seconds, you’ll be connected. Its that simple.

Once your connected, you’ll need to enter the conference ID, just like you would with a normal phone. To access the DIAL PAD with Skype, you click the gray matrix circle (see picture) and you can either click the numbers for your conference ID (how slow) or simply type them in using the keypad (much better).

Skype access for free, it’s what TurboBridge is all about, better audio quality, better value and a better experience.