TurboBridge for e-learning

TurboBridge is a great choice for e-learning or distance learning companies. We have a number of key customers using our conference services for daily or weekly group calls using a both toll and toll free calling with great rates.

One of these customers offers a “train the trainer” learning program for adults. The classes are mostly self education, the student reading materials online and taking the accompanying tests, but each week the group gathers for 1 to 1.5 hours for a conference call. During the call the moderator or teacher provides a lecture on the course material and takes questions at the end of the call.

This e-learning company has 6 instructors and does conferences 3 nights a week with a typical class of 10-15 students for 60 minutes. This equates to using almost 11,000 minutes a month. The best part is the TurboBridge price – a mere $29.95 per month for our most popular PRO plan providing you with 10 separate conference rooms.  This e-learning company uses our unlimited TOLL calling plan!

With TurboBridge’s unlimited TOLL calling, fixed monthly rates and affordable toll free 800 calling, we’re a great match for e-learning or distance learning companies.

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